On the Grace of our Lord, the Father's love and the communion of the Spirit in the life of the Believer. 2Cor 13:14 is a portion of Scripture quoted so often in church that the mention of it brings closing of service or benediction to mind. In this portion of Scripture which indeed is a prayer, is hidden an eternally powerful truth. It is my confidence that the Spirit of God by the will of God will shed light on our spirits as we seek the light of this truth, embrace it and apply it daily in our walk with God. It says "the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all". What a prayer! First it is seen in this prayer, THE WORD, THE FATHER and THE SPIRIT. Once upon a time, in the beginning of time, there was a convocation and in that meeting, Elohim, was there with The Logos and His Pneuma, and the result was creation. What if there is a creative mystery embedded in this prayer in the life of a believer? What ...