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In this sequel,I will continue based on what I term my favourite part of the previous volume.
History is a catalogue of man's abysmal failure in his attempt to find the primordial force and understand the primeval order of the universe.In all the lofty pursuits that have made up the disciplines,civilizations and cultures of man,there is yet to be found a convergent,exhaustive and conclusive view that answers once and for all, the question of the mystery of the supernatural.

In this state,man could not understand the workings of the supernatural,this being the consequence of man's separation from God and His divine nature.Man attributed every phenomenon he could not understand to figments of his imagination as well as other forces that man's separated spirit connected with by virtue of his fallen state.In the first volume I referred to the abstract gods: reasoning,logic and all other derivatives.Here,I'm referring to the  tangible gods: Idols and ancestral spirits.And as I hinted in the previous volume,man has spiraled down the path of confusion.Indeed there is an assortment of these deities with various shades and appearance.However,like the gods of old,the gods of the 21st century- money,fashion,wall street e.t.c.,have not been able to alleviate the inner sufferings of mankind.The world as we now know it, is in the middle of an aggravating crisis consequent upon the failure of man's gods.So, I ask one more time,Where are the gods?
To the believer who is loosing faith,I ask:Has God hidden Himself through the ages?Has He stopped being God?I oncce read a post on Facebook that says "God is no longer in control of the world".You can now see what my motivation behind this writeup is.I want to give faith to the weary beliver and make a believer from the unbeliever.It is not by my own means that i hope to achieve this,I am only pointing in the direction of the answer as I am inspired to.

Oh that man will have a little faith and believe the simple fact that There is God,he loves us and can only help us when we invite Him.All our gods have failed us...
While musing on this part,I had some other insight which I want to share now. The various schools of thought have offered suggestions in an attempt to explain the origin of all things,the begining of time,how we came to be,what we are doing here and what happens after here.These are the most pertinent questions that have bogged mankind since after the fall.I make it a point to emphasise after the fall because this is when man started living in depravity and delusion.Since man by his own volition,plunged himself into into an identity crisis,he since lost touch with the god in him.Every other man after Adam was born in the image of man and in his likeness.This is why Cain could commit murder given that there had been no previous experience to that effect i.e. there was no previous example from which he had learned.


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