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Showing posts from December, 2014

A case for Heavenly Mindedness.

It is often said "do not be so heavenly conscious that you become earthly useless" but I say unto you, the man who is conscious of eternity as he ought cannot and will not be earthly useless. His heart will be set on pleasing God and that means obeying God's every instruction on his life. There is no man who has so lives that turns out useless to his world and generation. Jesus didn't turn out that way nor did the apostles and every other saint whose names we mention and whose works we reference. Their contributions derived from inspiration that flowed from their following God faithfully is the light we now shine for the next generation. This systematic secularization of the church is what is standing between men and their eternal destines on the earth. We complain we do not have devoted men serving God but we preach that men should balance spirituality and secularism. It is not so in God’s word. You cannot serve two masters. You are either following God or you are f...

Secrets of Divine actions.

This is a sequel to the last post on The Ways of God. I laid some foundations that are necessary to thoroughly understanding this teaching. You can read up THE WAYS OF GOD to catch on. God the Father is the most important revelation the new testament believer must catch. This revelation is the very core of the ministry of Jesus, while he was on earth and today in the lives of believers. The gospel has one objective which is to reveal to us the person and character of the Father. A man may be introduced to a child as being his father but it takes more than an introduction to have a family relationship. The child will only begin to relate well with this person the more the child comes to know this person. My emphasis being on the Word PERSON. I posed some questions in the concluding part of my last post. We will use them as a line to guide us to our destination. God bless you as you undertake this journey of the Word with me. I celebrate you. What drives God's divine actions is wh...

The Ways Of God

God's righteousness is born out of His love nature because He is Love (1 Jn 4:8). It is God's eternal correctness in consistence with His Love nature. It is God being who He is and God's word being what God says it is because of His divine integrity. It is the fundamental force of the judgment of God (what He stands upon to pass judgment). The judgment of God is His decree over a person or circumstance based on His righteousness. These statements are the raw material for this teaching I am bringing you by God's Spirit. WORDCOMPANY is back and you will be reading a lot of powerful messages designed to guarantee your relevance in this end time scheme of things. God is on the move and only men who can comprehend His ways can be relevant as Moses was relevant. The opening paragraph presents the very foundation of the ways of God as He revealed it to His servants of Old in His Word. Let me say this at this point: God does not and will never want to be a mystery to you. If y...