God's righteousness is born out of His love nature because He is Love (1 Jn 4:8). It is God's eternal correctness in consistence with His Love nature. It is God being who He is and God's word being what God says it is because of His divine integrity. It is the fundamental force of the judgment of God (what He stands upon to pass judgment). The judgment of God is His decree over a person or circumstance based on His righteousness.
These statements are the raw material for this teaching I am bringing you by God's Spirit. WORDCOMPANY is back and you will be reading a lot of powerful messages designed to guarantee your relevance in this end time scheme of things. God is on the move and only men who can comprehend His ways can be relevant as Moses was relevant. The opening paragraph presents the very foundation of the ways of God as He revealed it to His servants of Old in His Word. Let me say this at this point: God does not and will never want to be a mystery to you. If you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you. I greet you in Jesus name. Welcome to a new journey with Wordcompany.
God is Love and His nature motivates His actions (Jn 3:16; 1 Jn 4:8; Rom 5:6-8). In our dispensation, the righteousness of God is the revelation of Jesus Christ and it is by FAITH to all who believe in His redemptive work and in Him to the end that they are justified by FAITH to receive that same righteousness (Rom 3:21-26; 5:17; 1Cor 5:21). This righteousness is revealed to us by the gospel (Rom 1:16-17) and it is what the Psalmist referred to as the Ways of God revealed unto Moses (Ps 103:7).
In the Old covenant, the righteousness of God was revealed in the Law to the end that all men might be guilty before God. The Law brought about the CONSCIOUSNESS of sin thus waking us up to the need for a Messiah (Rom 3:19-20). To Adam and Eve, the righteousness of God was revealed in the slaying of an animal (whose blood was atonement) whose skin was used to cover their nakedness- an Image of what God has done for the believer with the Blood of Jesus. To Noah and His generation, the Ark was a revelation of God's righteousness. He will not judge the righteous (Gen 6; 1 Pet 3:20-21; 2 Pet 2:9).
This is an introduction. In the sequel we will begin to answer the following questions:
1. Why does God do what He does?
2. Has God anything in place to align man's motif with His nature?
3. When we do what we do for God or I His name, why should we do it?
4. Is it just the things we do God will Judge or the motif behind what we do?
Watch out. Remember, the Truth , our guide. Shalom Yedidim.
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