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A case for Heavenly Mindedness.

It is often said "do not be so heavenly conscious that you become earthly useless" but I say unto you, the man who is conscious of eternity as he ought cannot and will not be earthly useless. His heart will be set on pleasing God and that means obeying God's every instruction on his life. There is no man who has so lives that turns out useless to his world and generation. Jesus didn't turn out that way nor did the apostles and every other saint whose names we mention and whose works we reference. Their contributions derived from inspiration that flowed from their following God faithfully is the light we now shine for the next generation.

This systematic secularization of the church is what is standing between men and their eternal destines on the earth. We complain we do not have devoted men serving God but we preach that men should balance spirituality and secularism. It is not so in God’s word. You cannot serve two masters. You are either following God or you are following the world. You are either being conformed to the world or you are being transformed by the word. You are either living by the world's philosophy or the philosophy of the gospel. You cannot put new wine in an old wine sac nor can you use piece from a new cloth to patch an old one.

We preach that friendship with the world is enmity with God and we confine it to so called worldly actions but we do not say or do anything about worldly thinking. Recently, I have been hunting the writings of church fathers and the saints of old, looking for the old paths because I have found that most of the literature on Christian doctrine today are more secular than spiritual. Hollywood is taking bible stories and secularizing them. We are celebrating but God is being systematically edged out from our lives. America is falling apart as legislations are being passed to remove God from education, social life and even their constitution.

Do not tell me not to be so heavenly conscious that I will become earthly useless. What has your world and it's ways done for me? My life in fellowship with the world and it's ways has only left for me a store of things I am not proud of. Thank God for the Blood. They are washed off with the past but get my message clearly. Search your life and see all you have put your self through for money, even in God’s name. Search and see how you have not fared better than Esau because you want fame and the glory of men. Are you seeing how many doors you kicked open on your own to get to where you are while announcing that God is blessing you? I am talking to believers all over the world. Search your thoughts, how different are they from those of the unsaved. You merely punctuate them with God but they are as rotten as the rotteness of the world, full of despair, despondency and fear. Even when you say "it is well" is it in faith? Is it not to make an already concluded hopeless case tolerable to the ears? We don't encourage each other, we hold pity parties. These are the ways of the world. They have become the ways of the church.

Jesus said we are in the world but we are not of the world. This means we do not originate from the world. We are born of the Spirit and SHOULD THEREFORE MIND THE THINGS OF THE SPIRIT. He said we are the light of the world. We don't want to shine as spiritual men because we want to be socially and politically correct but we forget that God will fold this cosmos up and like an old garment cast it off to be burned.

Brethren, be not deceived by the high sounding principles of so called polished preachers and motivational speakers. You relevance is in your spirituality. God will only use radical Christians in this age and only these will make the hall of fame in heaven. Also in heaven we will not all be the same. Some of us will be crowned and some of us will be plain. Yes I mean what you are thinking, there will be class and strata in heaven. All those "confessions" from your grace teachers will not cut it, only those who are FERVENT IS SPIRIT SERVING THE LORD, who are not merely talkers but walkers. Only these will find true relevance. 2015 is a critical year in God’s calender for the church. Those who are balancing the world and the Christian life will not ride the wave of revival of this age.

Beloved, be heavenly conscious even if it hair leaps every devil in hell. Better to suffer the rejection of the world than to be judged unfaithful by the master. He/she who has an ear to hear will hear these words and take heed. I love you as God loves you.


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