We have been given different templates for defining completeness in life by pou society.Some schools of thought have it in the form of physical substance.They believe that you are complete if you have money and influence.Others believe you are complete if you have men at your beck-and-call,yet others believe that a complete man is one who can satisfy his woman in all ramifications.
What is completeness then?The bible tells us that completeness is not in the things we do but in who we are.In this world,there are two kinds of people: those who are in the middle of an identity crisis (No thanks to the fall),and those who now know who they are in Christ. Paul the Apostle said in Eph 1:22-23 that God made Christ the head over all things to the Church which is his body,the fullness of Him who fills all in all ,so you see that Christ is not only the fullness of all things in God but he also fills all things in God.We can also say that Christ is the completenes of all things in God and He completes all things in God.Hallelujah!
Your positioning and relevance in this system of things is not a function of what society defines (Because society is bound in the realm of the five physical sences and can not concieve any thing beyond this realm),it is a function of who you know you are.People who battle with complexes and self-esteem issues have got to know that in Christ,it is not about what the world says or think about you,but it is all about who Christ has made you become! If only believers will realise this,then we will be free from frustration and depression.We will not have issues with acceptance because we have been accepted into the beloved.Do you see that?
People of God let us now walk tall in the accurate knowledge of who we are in Christ.He is our completeness and we are complete in Him.What more can we ask for!
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