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Vodoo Dream

 Beads of prespiration pouring down as the heat of the sun mercilessly saps from the juice of vitality.With this gloomy reality enshrouding in its overwhelming magnitude, an escape must be sought, and fast. To elope into phantasm, a world surreal but loaded with endless promises of repose from the weariness of the travails of the battles of every day life, is the only open option of escape from this disarticulating, dicappiteting cosmos. Or is it? With so much self imposed definitions to the concept of  humanity, so much ambiguity is left unresolved. Schooled minds advocate pragmatic solutions to humanity's dilema, others prefer some phantasma.

In acute despiration to alleviate this seemingly unending affliction, complications emanate by the lack of virtue, the virtue called responsibility. Without ability to accept and be accountable for the initiation of the chain reactions of cause and effect, gropping in darkness is inevitable. Having denied the true essence of living, as reprobates, repose is sought in some illusion that is only meant to be a quick fix, a temporary, tentative alleviation from suffering. Like an endless cycle humanity loops, relegating the import of divinity to travasty. Many live in a dream world,many more live others' dreams.

With the narcissistic nature and the human's grandiose sense of entitlement acutely clouding judgement, the wisdom of responsibility and accountability has been replaced with the foolishness of escapeism. In this disposition, blame is only on others ond not on self for every misfortune. A person initiates the process of success or failure, others are just part of the painting. Let the initiator take blame for being the limitator or terminator of the materialisation of purpose, it is irresponsible to pass the buck.There is the ultimate option of choice, effectively using it is only a matter of acceptance. Acceptance is a matter of responsibility, every principality understands the fatality of irresponsibility.

Whatever life gives, by virtue or machination, by fortune or prowess, it behooves humanity to imbibe the eternal principle of responsibility. Indeed, accountablity for every action is inevitable, the eternal consequence irrefutable. Blindness to this is foolishness, acceptacne of this is the first step towards emancipation and total redemption. Not all will learn. Fools will drown in folly but the wise will escape peril. At the restitution of things the picture becomes clear. So my dear, see beyond the flowery presentation into the dedication put in this dictum. Snap out of the illusion, it's only a vodoo dream.

                                                                                                                        Yours Sincerely...


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