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The Pianoist III Contd.

"Well seriously now", I continued, trying to bring seriousness back. "Our souls comprise of our will, emotion and intellect, it's the interface between the physical and the supernatural and our thoughts and attitude derives from paradigms that reside in the soul."
"You wanna have me believe that I am defined by something resident in my soul?" Larry asked.
"Exactly! Replied Lynn. "You are the product of thought patterns and systems absorbed from your environment. You begin to release these things you have inside as time and circumstances permit." Lynn continued.
"This is what Jesus meant when he said that it is out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. He was talking about the abundance of the paradigms residing in the depths of your soul. Apostle Paul calls it 'the spirit of the mind', I said.
"This still sounds spookey to me. I should be leery of you guys, you all talk like you've been hypnotised", came Larry's confused remark.
Yes he was confused now but we were willing to see this through no matter how long and hard it took.

The simple truth is that Larry sees things the way he does because of the paradigms embedded in his soul by his environment. These pararigms repose in his soul and are staired to the surface by circumstances. Thoughts that derive form these paradigms are powerful and can influence a man for his entire life. They can styme his growth and deny him his life's fulfilment. This is the bottom line of Larry's battle, this is his challenge.

Oh Lord, I seriously need some help with this guy, I feel his time has finally come and as you have appionted, this is the season for his liberation by the renewing of his mind. Let me reach into him, melt his stoney heart and let him acknowledge his most pressing need. I prayed silently in my thoughts. Larry needed a massive paradigm shift and I realised this one meeting was not enough to achieve this. "Teach my son" came the authoritative voice of the Holy Spirit, "use your experience and how you overcame. He can relate to this since he shared in most of it."
"Yes!" I exclaimed. I pulled Lynn to a corner and told her what had just happened.

watch out for chapter IV...
Are you learning anything from this story? I like to hear from you. Click no FOLLOW to follow this blog and kindly leave your comments. I love you, God loves you more... shallom.


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