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The Pianoist Chapter IV

Help me Lord, teach me to begin correctly so that I do not stair the wrong feelings, I prayed in my thought. Now the Lord requires that I use my life's testimony to help my dearest friend. Before I got saved, my life was a mess. There was no element of control, I had cast off restraint and was on the fast track of destruction. I had a lot of upsetting experiences while growing up that had defined my values and perception about life. I blamed everyone and every thing except myself for my state. I reduced to a cynical, judgemental and paranoid fellow. My relationships were superficial and characterised by machinations. With elaborate exposure to the life of the streets, I became a master in the art of survival and I could use whatever means necessary to achieve whatever I wanted to achieve. I hurt alot of people but I hurt myself the most, consequence was not an issue for me because I believed that nothing could come back to haunt me. At a point, I was so deep into my terrible lifestyle that I lost touch with all reason. The Lord intercepted me at this point and now the rest is history. Larry was in this with me for the most of it. We got saved at about thesame time so he knows my story as well as I do. Lord, my story is not strange to Larry, we were in that life together for the most of it. I'm not questioning your councel but I'm just wondering if this approach will make any significant difference.
"My wisdom is unsearchable, my councel unquestionable. Why not just proceed as I have instructed you and watch me do what I know how to do best", came the gentle urging voice of the Holy Spirit, "It was not just the words of that girl Evangel that got you saved, nor was it just the music of that pianoist that got you to re-evaluate your priorities. You seem to forget my convicting power. Once a man is set to change, I take over."
"I'm sorry", I wispered silently.

"Lynn, I and Larry need to be alone for a bit", I begged Lynn. I really wanted to spare her the details of the story I wanted to tell, to spare her the embarrasment of the moment I was about to relive. She stepped out to the balcony not far away if we needed her but not within earshot of where we were.
"Do you remember the Ekiadolo hit? I asked Larry. We were alone now.
"Men, that bloody incident that left you whimpering like a puppy. We just could not grasp what happened to you after you returned from your 'free lunch'. But why bring it up now? Larry asked taken aback by the radical change in the flow of our discussion.
"Some stories are reserved for a reason", I answered "You never really knew what went down when I was supposedly enjoying my free lunch, did you?
"You are about to hear the story of my conversion. It did not happen in the church as you all believe. It happened as I was in my attempt to enjoy my free lunch and waste the dish"
"You actually planned on wasting the dish? Larry asked with suprise on his face, "she was not worth the trouble."
"yes,but that is not the issue. When I cornered her and dragged her into the other room, something happened to me. It had every thing to do with her boldness and the thing she said."
"What did she say? Larry asked with deep interest. It was not suprising, knowing that I was the toughest and most ruthless of the skull clan in my time. Larry had always wanted to know what made me crack and freak out on that fateful night six years ago. Today I was going to satisfy his curiosity and I was counting on the Holy Spirit to move in him by this.
"Larry, Evangel looked me straight in the eyes and said her body did not belong to her, that if I had her as I wanted to, I will be a trespasser and the owner of her body will deal with me. I was furious and was about to hit her with the butt of my rifle when she said that if I tried it, I would drop dead instantly. For some strange reason, I froze and was looking at her. She didn't scram as you would expect, she sat down and asked me to do the same. I obeyed. She told me that all I was was a facade and that all I could be was not in the life I lived, then, as if reading from a book, she began to tell me my life story, why I did the things I did and stuff. That was enough to make the devil himself freak out."
"All that in 25minutes" Larry said blankly. He was trying to piece this information together.
"She told me how my father died, how my mother abandoned us, how I resorted to despirate measures to survive. When she began to tell me of my secret lamentations, regrets and deepest fears, I began to shiver."
"You never mentioned it all these years Bosun" Larry said aghast at the revelation.
"You guys would never have understood if I told you so I just kept it to myself", I replied.
There was silence in the room, both of us stairing into space our minds wondering.

To be continued.


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