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The Pianoist IV contd.

"This was why you despirately convinced me to come to church with you, thank you 'cos I wouldn't have met the Lord and, maybe, I would have ended up like Kizito and Lanre", Larry said.
"You are welcome, but thank the Lord the most for it was He who had it happen that way", I said. "Beyond that",I continued "I believe my first step to personal transformation began when I took a cue from Evangel's boldness to comfront my demons. I was insecure, afraid and selfish. I was a good actor too, all that ruthlessness and rugedity was a venier masking my inadequacies as a person. I could not show weakness in any way. As such, I denied me access to myself!"
"Hmmm, that must have been terrible for you", said Larry.
"Terrible is an understatement. I learnt on fundamental truth: what lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. I was empty, without a value system, without a core."
"What do you mean by 'core'? Larry asked.
"I mean what defines your very existence, what gives you your identity. I am refering to the source that substains the four dimensions of humanity, that is security, guidiance, wisdom and power."
"I am Larry Ekweme Richards, the son of Amadi Richards, that's who I am. These four dimensions you are talking about..."Larry was saying when I interjected.
"Ok, I'll slow down. Your identity has nothing to do with your family name or social status. It is you as a person. The things about you that makes us all see you as you. You have built your world around your family name 'cos that's your core, but I put it to you that a man's life is more than the image of his family."
"You envy the fact that I had a healthy family relationship right? Larry shot at me.
"You ended up in the skull clan with me and was gratifying thesame urges I was gratifying, or is that not what happened? I Shot back, blood rising to my face from impatience at his daftness. He was so close to seeing his deepest need and was just refusing to see it- or was that the case.

Lord please help him see that he has to get his core fixed, his inner focus realigned... "I have made grace available for this moment", came the still small voice, comforting me.
"I'm sorry I misunderstood you. I had always felt my family never understood me eventhough I always got whatever I wanted. The skull clan was more family to me than my own family- or so I thought." Larry said apologetically. " I have never really seen anything beyond the image of my family. My family has been the template I interpreted life with, my wisdom is in my family, my security is in my family, my guidiance is in my family and that leaves me completely powerless."
"Good analysis", I said with a broad smile."I guess I do not need to explain the dimensions to you any more, you have so accurately accessed the situation."
"You think so? He asked.
"I know so" I said.

Lynn was leaning over the rail taking in the scenery and wondering what at this point we were talking about. "Lord help my man see waht he needs the most to see, I love him so much but I fear he can not be all that I can percieve he can be if he continues to see things the way he does", she prayed. Then she prayed in tongues for the next few minutes, interceeding for the one she loves. Lynn too had her own fair share of the batterings of life. Being a victim of repeated sexual and physical abuse form an uncle, she had lost her sense of self worth and friends became her centre. At this point in her life, acceptance became a big deal. All who accepted her were friends and those who didn't were foes. She was a reactor, volitile and vulnerable. Now this lady is a saved, sanctified tongue talking believer. She had become a great asset to Larry and he couldn't thank God enough for her...

To be continued...


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