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Larry and Lynn arrived my place later in the evening and we chatted about how we spent the day. My day was not productive physically but I had covered miles spiritutually. I was now feeling better about myself and I could not wait to share my experience with the others, how that pianoist changed me.

I had been meditating extensively on God's word in Habbakuk 2:2 and 2Corinthians 3:18, and I have been mirroring my life with the Word. I reached a conclusion to drop the glories of the present and reach for the higher calling. Larry and Lynn had argued back and forth over the issue of how important perspective is to a man and it was my turn to reconcile their views.

"What was it you said we had to talk about? I asked at last, trying to bring in the purpose of their visit.
"You've known me since school" Larry began. "You know how well I can handle stuff. As long as I could see the two extremes of an issue, is was a settled thing for me."
"That's right" I replied.
"Yesterday night seemed special for you and Lynn." He continued with a grim expression on his face. He's never been this serious in a long time, I thought. Lynn looked pensive. She knew she touched something in Larry the previous night but she did not realize the effect will be this intense.
"I only heard the song play. I need to know what you saw that made you react so intensly."
"You said Lynn was talking funny since the event. Did you ask her the reason her response was so? I asked.
"She said it had to do with the man and the music. I really do not see any connection" came the reply.
"What do you think about the man? I asked. I love asking questions to guide people into what I want them to see. I also gives me insight into the state of their mind so I can have an idea how it works.
"Well, he's elderly and looks like he's taken a few knocks in his time" he replied.
"You saw something then! Me and Lynn exclaimed together as if premeditated. She had been silent all the while, listening as I probed her man in my attempt to help him. Larry was taken aback.
" I don't see how that connects with the music. He said felling a little embarrased by our reaction.
" We all have it in us to deduce information from our environment, how we interprete it is what differentiates us. This is what I wanted you to see when I was twlking about perception" Lynn was talking now.
" I knew you saw something about the old guy and you have put it better than I could have ever put it."
" It was quite obvious" Larry replied amused. So this is what they're fussing about, he thought.
Now we had a place to start from. "When someone says 'you have sight but no vision', what do you think the person is talking about? I continued. Lynn was more relaxed now, seeing that this discussion was about Larry and not her.
"Well, I think the person is trying to say that some people can't see what's before them" come Larry's reply.
"Larry, seeing what's before you goes beyond 'seeing'. It has every thing to do with your inner consciousness."
"What's that? Larry asked. "It's the thing that defines your outlook on life. It is ususlly the sum total of your spiritual and physical experience" came Lynn's answer.
"It influences your thoughts and choices" I continued. "This inner consciousness is what will define how you interprete what you have seen about that pianoist."
"So you guys are telling me that there is some subconscious mental template or some sort of mould that frames my opinion about life? Larry asked with more interest.
"That's right" I replied. "There is a silent but active 'something' that controls your disposition to life. It is the real thing that definrs you" I continued to explain.
"Do you remember the teaching on the Spirit, Soul and Body of man? Lynn asked?
"Should we bring up that religious talk here? How does it connect to the issue at hand? Larry shot back.
"Easy big boy" I said laughingly. "We can only understand these things if we know who we are and how we function."
"Yeah right. To me, we are beef and bones- and some fat- for people like Lynn". We were all laughing now.

To be continued...


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