Things have happened since my last post, and i've wondered within myself: How is it that we, believers, have fallen into such decadent state? I took a look at The Word and my wondering landed me in acts 20:7-11 or so. Here i read a story about a certain young man, eutichus by name, who fell asleep while Paul was peraching in Troas and fell from the third floor window where hw was supposed to be feasting on the Word. I had an enlightenment here that satisfied my wandering thoughts. Many believers today are like eutichus in the body of Christ, sleeping instead of occupying or gettin busy for the Lord.
I do not know if this generation is ready for the move of God that will usher in the rapture. Complacence is at an all time high with different kinds of christianity on parade. Believers are now more focused on their personal security then on the things of the Spirit. What happened to the command given to the body of Christ through the apostle Jude saying that we should contend for the faith that was originally handed to the saints by the apostles? We are contending for our private agendas, setting divine purpose on the fire of perversion.
How long shall we continue in this life of compromise? No soldier ad gladium has time to mix everyday life with warfare, so the scriptures tells us. Our warfare in this season is not about pulling down and destroying stuff, it is about recovery of all who are supposed to be in the camp of the Lord, but have fallen into a state of complacency after the order of eutichus consequently finding themselves in the camp of the enemy.
In case you are still wondering why believers are in such dilema about life and the enemy? How many believers are walking in the reality of scriptures? The church today is reduced to a caricature, with a shadow of the original form and a supersaturation of men's wisdom and the wisdom of this world. By our slumber, we have ceeded authority to the enemy who now controls us, afflicts us and oppresses us as though we are without dominion. If we are to take the world for God we have to wake up. The end time army is on a carnival instead of on the battle field contending for the faith, fighting the good fight of faith. Now this fight is not a physical one but a spiritual one.
Christ is sending warning waves to His church. This article is one of them. Ninety-ninie and a half is not enough for God, he will not lower His standards for any noe, not me, not you! Wake up and get busy about the Father's business.
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