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On Fear, Doubt and Unbelief

Faith is central in the Christian life. The bible says in Heb 11:6 that it is impossible to please God without faith. Pleasing Him is being accepted of Him. This means that though the sinner has been vindicated by the blood of Jesus, his believing in that sacrifice and its efficacy in his favor, makes him acceptable to God. His faith pleases God. The righteousness of God imputed to man in Christ by faith is how we please God. Scripture also says that this man who has so pleased God should live by the same means by which he pleased God (Hab 2:4; Rom 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38). Col 2:6 says that we must continue our walk in Christ AS as we received Him (in the first place). You have pleased God. Your faith in the sacrifice of the Lamb and in the work of redemption  and all it represents for you, has made you "...accepted in the beloved" (Eph 1:6). You maintain this state of favor with God by living in the consciousness of it. This is living BY FAITH.   In our faith life however, we constantly encounter three adversaries. These are Unbelief, Doubting and Fear. These three are related and all originate from the senses. 
Unbelief is a conscious resistance to the truth. It is building up a wall of resistance against truth willingly. It is willful rejection of the truth expressed by actions of the same (rejection).
Rom 1:18 mentions men who "hold the truth in unrighteousness". This means they are aware of the truth but they choose not to uphold the truth.
God reveals three things about himself from creation that is an eternal evidence against man of His existence and influence. They are:
1. His divine nature.
2. His eternal power.
3. His invisible attributes. (Rom 1:19-20)

Unbelief is any attitude and behavior that rejects the above willingly. It is different from doubt. Doubting is a contemplation of the truth. It comes from comparing truth with other things. By convincing or reassuring the one who doubts, his convictions on a matter can be strengthened. However for the one who is unbelieving, nothing can be done for him. Doubt becomes unbelief when it is convinced of something else apart from the truth and accepts it and rejects the truth.

The word of God is designed to kill doubt. Doubt comes from the senses. When the word of God comes, it convinces of the truth. Unbelief on the other hand is a product of a hardened heart. Both doubting and unbelief are dangerous positions. The former limits what you can enjoy of God and the latter completely disconnects one from God.
Unbelief has a close partner, fear. The presence of fear in the life of a believer is an indicator of the presence of a seed of unbelief. This is a lingering doubt that has come to be accepted by the one who has it. This is another definition of unbelief and it connects to doubt which makes it very important. It is a lingering doubt that has come to be accepted by the one who has it.

On this level we see that a doubt tolerated ultimately becomes a base for unbelief to spring up and haunt the one who carries the lingering doubt. It also shows that when a man does not believe on this level, he has become more convinced of his doubt than of the truth. This is fear having its perfect work.

The life of faith requires a violent stand against fear and doubt. Do these come? They do. But we stand our ground in resistance with the Word. It is the good fight of faith. It is laying hold on eternal life. Doubt stirs us to second guess God, to want more information. While this is not sin it itself, wanting to understand an instruction or dealing, it is a pregnancy that will bring forth depending on what kind of information we are seeking. We will get into unbelief trying to make God say what we want Him to say because we doubt in our hearts. This is what makes doubt dangerous. We simply follow God in trust. He cannot lead us astray. It does not matter the contradictions of circumstances or otherwise, we follow what God has said and defy all obstacles by the strength of His rhema. Hallelujah!

Doubting and unbelief can only be dealt with when we are rooted and active in the word. Our rooting in the word is the product of attending to the word. This means that we take root in the word when we make our selves available to the word. Fear and doubt (which ultimately births unbelief) creep in when we have insufficient substance of God to hold on to as evidence of the reality of the things we are hoping for. This is the challenge a lot of believers are facing. When we busy our selves with worrying about how our needs will be met:what to eat, what to wear, where to live, and so on, it tells on us negatively in the days when strength matters. Your strength will fail when all you can see is the urgency and immenseness of your needs. Fear and doubting are symptoms your strength is small. Unbelief means your strength has failed. This is when men faint. When men faint in the day of adversity it is because their strength is small (doubt and fear have held sway till they have given birth to unbelief). This is what prov 24:10 says: " If thou faint in the day of adversity,
thy strength is small". Why will a man despair, worry and be given to desperation in the day of adversity? Why will a man who once believed God switch to the ways of the world or give consideration to the offers of darkness? Is it because God is only the God of the mountain and not the God of the valley? No, it is because he has lost faith. His loosing faith did not happen in one day. It is the cumulative effect of fear and doubt tolerated.

Ultimately there is only one defense against doubt and fear which are the parents of unbelief. That is  attack. Attack that fear with the Word. Attack that doubt with the prophesy you have received. If God has spoken, it shall come to pass. It is a faithful cycle that cannot be broken. Inundate your self with the Word. Intentionally submerge yourself in it and choose it as your ultimate consideration. Defer to the Word whenever your heart wants to consider other things apart from the Word. As an additional word God's word says that we should guard our heart with all diligence because the issues of life flows from our hearts. This means that we must take control by the Word over our heart because what happens there composes our material world. As another scripture says, we must cast down all imagination and every high thought that exhaults its self above the knowledge of God and bring all thoughts to the obedience of Christ. All Christ did was achieved through his obedience to the will of God. It is called grace or God's divine ability and love released to redeemed man because of Jesus. This is grace and truth. So bring all thoughts to submit to all Christ has done for you. Let God's love for you be settled in your heart once and for all. Settle your conviction in the potency and efficacy of the Blood of Jesus. Be fully persuaded concerning the integrity of God's word. There is no prayer asking God to take away doubt and fear from you. As long as you have the senses you will have these to deal with. The admonition therefore is to take your stand against the devil and his instruments.

Finally, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report;if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Do not get anxious over any thing but through prayer and supplication with thanks giving, cast all your cares on the Lord, making your request known and coming plain with your concerns. What will happen is that the peace of God which surpasses all assurance or analysis the senses can offer concerning your needs and cares, will secure, guard and keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. I celebrate you.


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