I have a thought to share this morning. It is on the Thankful thinking and Thanksgiving.
One book of the Bible I really love is the Psalms. I love it because I can identify with it. It is a picture of the relationship between humanness and divinity, insufficiency and all-suffifiency, fallibility and grace. It is a picture of us and God, us swallowed in as we are, in His accommodating grace. David, expresses the principle of the success of this relationship in faith (conviction), trust and absolute dependence.
Thanks flows from a mind that acknowledges provision from a posture of dependence. Paul said we have no bragging rights because there is nothing we have that we have not received (1 Co 4:7). Our ingratitude therefore comes from our ignorance of our plant-to-soil kind of relationship with divinity as set forth by the law of creation: no creature is independent of its creator, every creature draws sustenance from its creator, the creator is source and sustainer of the creature.
Thankful thinking therefore is a mindset of gratitude that projects thoughts of appreciation for everything. It is a mindset that operates from intentional acknowledgement of dependence on source. A thankful thinker is one who feeds on the faithfulness of God in all things by meditation. This is what David did regularly. This is what gave birth to his numerous psalms of Thanksgiving.
Thankful thinking is the mother of Thanksgiving. This is the expression of thankful thoughts through words and thankful actions. It flows from remembrance. Those who forget cannot give thanks. Those who are fixated on the moment's trouble cannot give thanks. Circumstantial thinkers are epileptic thankers because they are responders. Thanksgiving is born out of thankful thinking. This is an intentional act, a discipline. Your mind wants to think on every thing but you have the power to streamline your thinking to excellent things (Phil 4:6-8).
Develop the discipline of thankful thinking so that you can abound in thanksgiving. Learn to recount your day before going to bed and give thanks for the day. Learn to project your desires, goals and aspirations in your thoughts as though you have received them and give thanks. Thanksgiving is how you will cash that cheque. Appreciate your source. Be a thankful thinker to be an aggressive thanker.
I celebrate you. Have a blessed day. Good morning.
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