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The Owner of the Office knows best.

Earlier this evening I decided to cook for the family. I wanted to prepare a local delicacy popular with the Enugu people of Eastern Nigeria. It is called Okpa. It is a pudding made from the flour of bambara nuts with palm oil, pepper and a little salt. You can add pepper to taste. My son is particularly fond of it. Well, my wife is the manager of the kitchen and the store. She went to church for clean up, leaving me and my boy at home. I decided to give her a helping hand. It was she who organized the store and it was she who really knew where what was kept. I invaded her office with good intentions. But you know how that saying goes that good intentions are not enough. I had never prepared Okpa myself but I have watched her do it several times. I can learn by observation so I knew what to do. I entered into the store and got the flour I used, combining it with the other ingredients and seasoning it to taste. It was going to be delicious and I felt proud of myself. I put it on the ...
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Sex. This three letter word is one of the most talked about subject in the world. In fact, we live in a highly sexualized generation. I have seen bill boards that have pictures of ladies not properly dressed, advertising tooth paste! Movies are not interesting without sex, novels struggle to sell if there is no touch of sex. It is hard these days for young people to live untangled lives, free from the grip and influence of sex. Marriages are not free either as infidelity remains a leading cause of divorce. I read twenty-six different stories today, sad tales of young men who were molested at some point in their life, some were raped. There are also stories of women whose lives carry scars from sexual abuse. The world we live in is sexually charged and there are now all sorts of ways people go about discharging. The journey towards sexual purity begins at gaining a proper understanding of sex. This understanding can only be formed from God's word. This understanding will be built...

Thankful Thinking and Thanksgiving

I have a thought to share this morning. It is on the Thankful thinking and Thanksgiving.  One book of the Bible I really love is the Psalms. I love it because I can identify with it. It is a picture of the relationship between humanness and divinity, insufficiency and all-suffifiency, fallibility and grace. It is a picture of us and God, us swallowed in as we are, in His accommodating grace. David, expresses the principle of the success of this relationship in faith (conviction), trust and absolute dependence.  Thanks flows from a mind that acknowledges provision from a posture of dependence. Paul said we have no bragging rights because there is nothing we have that we have not received (1 Co 4:7). Our ingratitude therefore comes from our ignorance of our plant-to-soil kind of relationship with divinity as set forth by the law of creation: no creature is independent of its creator, every creature draws sustenance from its creator, the creator is source and sustainer of...

On Fear, Doubt and Unbelief

Faith is central in the Christian life. The bible says in Heb 11:6 that it is impossible to please God without faith. Pleasing Him is being accepted of Him. This means that though the sinner has been vindicated by the blood of Jesus, his believing in that sacrifice and its efficacy in his favor, makes him acceptable to God. His faith pleases God. The righteousness of God imputed to man in Christ by faith is how we please God. Scripture also says that this man who has so pleased God should live by the same means by which he pleased God (Hab 2:4; Rom 1:17; Gal 3:11; Heb 10:38). Col 2:6 says that we must continue our walk in Christ AS as we received Him (in the first place). You have pleased God. Your faith in the sacrifice of the Lamb and in the work of redemption  and all it represents for you, has made you "...accepted in the beloved" (Eph 1:6). You maintain this state of favor with God by living in the consciousness of it. This is living BY FAITH.   In our faith life how...

The Grace of Our Lord Jesus, the love of God and communion with the Spirit

On the Grace of our Lord, the Father's love and the communion of the Spirit in the life of the Believer. 2Cor 13:14 is a portion of Scripture quoted so often in church that the mention of it brings closing of service or benediction to mind. In this portion of Scripture which indeed is a prayer, is hidden an eternally powerful truth. It is my confidence that the Spirit of God by the will of God will shed light on our spirits as we seek the light of this truth, embrace it and apply it daily in our walk with God. It says "the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all". What a prayer! First it is seen in this prayer, THE WORD, THE FATHER and THE SPIRIT. Once upon a time, in the beginning of time, there was a convocation and in that meeting, Elohim, was there with The Logos and His Pneuma, and the result was creation. What if there is a creative mystery embedded in this prayer in the life of a believer? What ...

A case for Heavenly Mindedness.

It is often said "do not be so heavenly conscious that you become earthly useless" but I say unto you, the man who is conscious of eternity as he ought cannot and will not be earthly useless. His heart will be set on pleasing God and that means obeying God's every instruction on his life. There is no man who has so lives that turns out useless to his world and generation. Jesus didn't turn out that way nor did the apostles and every other saint whose names we mention and whose works we reference. Their contributions derived from inspiration that flowed from their following God faithfully is the light we now shine for the next generation. This systematic secularization of the church is what is standing between men and their eternal destines on the earth. We complain we do not have devoted men serving God but we preach that men should balance spirituality and secularism. It is not so in God’s word. You cannot serve two masters. You are either following God or you are f...

Secrets of Divine actions.

This is a sequel to the last post on The Ways of God. I laid some foundations that are necessary to thoroughly understanding this teaching. You can read up THE WAYS OF GOD to catch on. God the Father is the most important revelation the new testament believer must catch. This revelation is the very core of the ministry of Jesus, while he was on earth and today in the lives of believers. The gospel has one objective which is to reveal to us the person and character of the Father. A man may be introduced to a child as being his father but it takes more than an introduction to have a family relationship. The child will only begin to relate well with this person the more the child comes to know this person. My emphasis being on the Word PERSON. I posed some questions in the concluding part of my last post. We will use them as a line to guide us to our destination. God bless you as you undertake this journey of the Word with me. I celebrate you. What drives God's divine actions is wh...