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My Epistle To The 21st Century Church

Fellow members of the body of Christ,calvary greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ whose blood procured our redemption and justification.

In this age where knowledge is increasing,there has never risen a greater challange than getting and appropriating accurate information.Christ emphasised this when He said we are to live by every word that comes out of the mouth of God (Matt 4:4).He told us this so that we can be reminded of the position where we are,where we see things from.You see,this sense ruled world is saturated with sense generated information that is an enemy of faith.Faith enables us to stand above circumstances as we encounter them but with the wrong source of information and the wrong kind of information, we will only walk by sight.
When Paul the apostle said that we walk by faith and not by sight,he was saying in effect that our life in this kingdom is not a consequence of the things we register with our five senses, but a consequence of what the word of God is saying at the material time,to the particular situation (2Cor 5:7). This is our position. We can never know if we are not correctly informed.

Beloved, we must be careful who we listen to and what we read. What we hear and what we read are sources of information. People say and write all sorts of things. We must be able, from where we stand, to tell right from wrong. How can we do this? Only when we are mature in the word. We are keen on reading books by other people but we are not keen on studying the word. In 2Tim 2:15, Paul was addressing Timothy.He urged him to study to show himself approved a workman who is not ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. What was Paul trying to tell Timothy andthe church in General? He was saying brethren take time to source the right information so that you can live out the will of the Father and be able to tell the truth out from the false.The world is full with all sorts of spurrious information. If we are not careful, we expose ourselves to seeds that will germinate in our jearts and bear fruits of faithlessness. It is for this same reason that some believers are unable to exercise their authority.

Beware therefore of false teachers who cloak themselves in sheep clothing. Ravenous wolves they are,seeking innocent poorly informed believers to deform with their lies.It breaks my heart when I hear about or see believers run after signs and not the word. It pains me because these people can walk as supernatural men in accurate knowledge but they have choosen to walk as mere men. Awake from your slumber oh man and seek out the truth of God's word.


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