Last time on this series, we examined four of twelve tests of purpose and vision- The test of apetite, pride, sex and money. Let's continue from where we stopped. As an addendum to the test of money, let me quickly say that most christians find it rather challanging to be faithful when it comes to money. Money is the only thing Jesus put in the god class when he said "you can not serve God and mammon". The problem believers have is the love of money which, as scriptures put it, is the root of all evil. We have seen (and we will always see) men do all sort of things for the sake of money. Believers have to be espeially areful in this area because what you do for immediate gain and satisfaction could cost you your destiny. Now to the next test- The test of Parenthood. Honour your parents (Eph 6:1-3). How you treat your parents affects your destiny either positively or negatively. The consequence of dishonouring your parents is not just a curse but the result of breaking...