The great teacher and the wisest king who ever lived, carefully observed life and all the machinations of man and reached the conclusion that all amounts to vanity. In the peak of man's iniquity we seek to answer the question: where are the gods?
From the two previous volumes on this subject, we see that man's abstract and tangible gods have grossly failed him: Philosophy, logic, so called primodial beings and ancestral spirits. There is the incontrovertible reality of the existence of certain supernatural elements that have had a strong influence on the civilizations of man in times past. That they are still influencing the trajectory of man's endevours is no excusable fact. However, the issue to settle is that as much as they have defined or given form to the present cosmos, there still remains providing, once and for all, a solution to man's insatiable hunger for a fellowship with the supernatural. It is rather comical to believe in deities who can not provide a panacea for man's disease called "corruption" but amplify the problem, masking in in elaborate ceremonies and rites.
The failing politics, economies, families, religious systems et cetera, all allude to the futility of the efforts of the gods (whether they be our own mental contraptions or some spiritual beings) to keep us enclosed in their thick cloud of ignorance and entrapped in their maze of confusion. Very gradually, the world is wakening to the knowledge of the source of all that was, is and will ever be- the one true God. He is not the essence of some religion as some wiish to see it. Rather, he is a personal God who wants a personal relationship with his creation! You can not find him in any religion because religion is a system that derives from elaborate laws, methods, deceptions and coercing. He is the one revealed in every awe of nature, the one revealed in the greatest awe of all eternity, Jesus, the anointed on e and His anointing. Every believer who has broken free from the shackles of religion, tradition and mechanical Christianity, understands the depth of what I'm talking about. Every babe has the prospect of growing into the fulness of this knowledge and every one who does not believe is invited to have a tiny, little faith and believe.
Satan and his cohorts have sought to keep us in the abbys of ignorance. Praise God for redemption. Now the conclusion of the whole matted: Fear God and keep his command for this is the whole duty of a man (Eccl 12:13).
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